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Mixtape: ostory
Year: 2017
mix :killa
Year: 2017
mix :killa
Killa Kill The Beat
Ma nasma3ch b ekher forsa
maktoub 3la jbini forza
fibelhom techwini l9arsa w ki 9alouli sket 7ekma mal9itech 7ata bakouch korza
masroufek feyet khlasek mouch newi na9ra fi classek ma7ajtich nfok blaset la lebhim w la ek lmaset ta7an mthaweb glasek 7akyin 3liya ki zebi 9olhom anyek meli frasek
masma3tech chniya 9olt w rou7i feha ma chakit
karhouni bel barcha molt t9oulech nsehom essid
w lthareb fikom habeltou 9erd w 7aki lrou7ou sid
manghir ma t9oli ya7asra lber7 nesi chet3achit
nes behta fi zebi t9oulech habet men sous coup de volant
dekhel fi film lrisela w kharej men le fils de vent
y7ebou l7ogra w ashel 7aja rasi n7otou mode avion
wa9t narja3 nconnecti nhabel bih l vatican
ostoury to the glory to the glory
yeah pussy nigga'z
tjeweb fi 3andk mazel 3andi wel mamno3 7lel
fi rasi centre d'appelle nsayer 10k label
lbestou rbestou wa9t lfel
ghates fi domaine poubelle
te3eb fih w 3ar9i afwa7 mn coco channel
ml business l philippe mourise ntourni bikom 100 vise ma3andich m3a ta3fis fi bled lmordha bel taghfis 9dim f lo3bet ltarkiz w ki tweti nraka3 ebliss lbera7 fi manel amara ghodwa ndezou f ton paris
n9adem ma 7abounich khaterni kifhom menich brise w mouchni double fiche w badni m7afer kel guerriche t7in li jebhom ma jebnich ma trenitch ma tranich m3ahom madem fi terrainhom m3ahom behima 7abounich
w money 3likom ma nkhabich
koul l khoubza t3alem 3ich
fih 3likom ma ne7chich
bel fagouna bel fagouna blech biya ma yemchich
trinou eli mafatech
beli nghib beyen w sada9ni ma te7chetech
basma ma tensetech
3youbi ma tkhabetech
w fdhaye7kom ma tkhabetech
nhar w menou mekech hereb mani 9otlek ma ketbetech
w manasma3ech b ekher forsa
3la jbini maktoub forza
w ki 9alouli sket 7ekma ma l9itech 7ata bakouch korza
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