Telecharger MP3
Recording: Yallsee
Mixing: Yallsee
Cover: Amine Benali
Mixtape: 7 Days
Mixing: Yallsee
Cover: Amine Benali
Mixtape: 7 Days
Bitch i'am from the "Z" city mel six forty
hkit eli sarli my real story
n9ad entissari fel tah'sil b'scori
fahamt el 9ary now i feel the glory
dima twil w doghry rap jit nwadhah tafassil men soghri
fi houmet el mafia koura w btahi wel se9 dima hafya
feye9 w sahy al mafrakh el tafya
ngualla3 fi trahi bel taswira el safya
serious mouch funny i'am looking for money
ghorba bech nelbess w naawen el famille
mouch kifek mdha7i al whisky wel safya w mibouna men houma ra9ya
to93dou jboura w t9isou bel cadre
no93dou houma la guouna la zbaber
matlabtech batrouna ti 9ader w haguer
nekteb w ndawer fi swaguer w saber
mel soghra mounadhel
el fa9r w harebna
9rib la waretna
w dkhalna fi khbebel el chikha jaretna zatla dewetna mouch lezem el ghbeber
lel khedma t'7arekna
jemla t'charetna
la twebe3 la tneber w touness dharetna wel 7akem taredna fi joret l'emwabna el akeber
3morna matlabna el mechekel
b3edna ki 9robna mel war9a wel 7ebr
li 9odemi nekel w 3al sotra keber
la villa la benz
hemel w zens
fel chere3 since
five years old
baba 9ali be real life is cold
life is cash
life is short kil court-metrage
life is ford tji tched li ma9rach
life is lord yete3bed matat'ghach gram w'ed matal9ach
ness 9loubha mnayka meyta ken el flouss fel jib edhika el feyda fama dhre3 yjib w mzeytek zeyda 7keytek beyta betbi3ti m9aydek hater
digger mel ness eli t7eb eli 3andou
majber bahnessa w ki tsebhom y3andouk
we9ef nestana fi 7'dhobhom yetssendou
i'am dope in the shit and you know what i can do
toghlot fel zebi get ready to die
nsarbi f'andedi wa9t enty fe dar
nguamer f rfedi wled houmti lekbar
nmarki fel nhar bech nestaamel fel lil
niich b'ghodwa rabi yaamel dlil
naamel el khir w 3a lamma mabkheltech
mouch kifek selfish etallef f'eshabek ken tal9a win terkech
7kit eli fama walik mamathaltech fi bled el nife9 aalik ma3ameltech mouch bidek l'arze9
ghacha ma9beltech sabit el sore9
taquness w dhawe9 sari7 w makrouh
nik om eli 3arfou s7y7 w nakrouh
jib eli fikom 9by7 enikouh
bouh ala khouh madem tal3ou ki baadh'hom
rap w helkouh lin el public rfadh'hom
a3lech bech nabghad'hom
mouzika emaardh'hom w rhymeti bel double tayer fou9 el beat n9ata3 sorm el boucle
fi rassi bagage 9rib nfout el google
fuck being simple i'am a keep it souple 7ajra menich souple samini maldini neda3ther mantihech na3fess li tacklini stilouya maychi7ech so many m9aldini they just wanna be me..
Love A.L.A from Sfax