A.L.A - Furious Day

vendredi 22 janvier 2016
Furious Day
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A.L.A - Furious Day
Instrumental: Mahdi Machfar
Mixing: Mahdi Machfar
Recording: Yallsee
Production: Peacekana
Cover: Amine Benali
Mixtape: 7 Days

Fake niggas sedou braykom
I go hard dope bars in my iphone
I speak shit straight shit until my life gone
Z.H.5 zone you know where i came from x2
Motherfucker sna3t rap  jit n9ari fik w nfahem, MC chbik mbahem t9oulech 3omrek ma sma3t rap
enty farkh fessed dekhel tahki f lougha mtaa 97ab  fi parcourek fechel pussy you're already fucked up
Tawa shut the fuck up w listen to me first 
chouf 9adesh men verse boy chouf 9adesh men titre 
chouf 9adesh men guerd y7eb y'taquness kel arbitre 
impossible tal9a self-made kel arbitre 
chere3 rap klem zeyed mouch rbeyet baby-sitter 
9olli chemdakhalni fikom jebt styli nab9a b3id 3likom many kilometers i'am a motherfucking leader
ain't nobody lead me, rapi fel chere3 matloub w capitali need me 
amsah bel respect mteek ma aandou ma yzidni ma nigga believe me 
trapi kifi y7eblek, menghir ma tasma3 w tesre9 jibli too nekteblek 
lena ness tasna3 w te3re9 lyricet nhablek jassou barcha metou 9ablek toghlet fel zebi nal3ablek
w mana3tikech wa9t khatrek farkh sghyr w sa9et 
kalb men ghir gualb, menek mane9belch el na9ed enty n3ich 3lik mhalleb 
Mc'et li kifek zeydin tab9a dima tnik fel sab w tetsala7chi maybe 
9aren rohek yaatek zeb, awel verse ktebtou 3jeb w talent kima Shady 
la kwaret la k3ab sna3t el rap w mouch b'ech'heydi 
mayrekhouch rkeybi tayer fou9 el dabka n9abt el chabka kima Chaïbi
ndez nfok blayssi, kese7 ki el Mhayssi weak ass motherfuckers that's all I see.


Smaat barcha amlou rap 9lil li jebou el niveau, el be9i kamcha 7acharat froukh t'heb el Vevo
tasmaa3 verse behi taamel mixtape kifou tab9a x fake defaut t7eb tjib klem kifi
s3ib you can't be me manech fard trip, egotrip i'm MVP maandich clip cuz I keep it MP3
wenty dima clip 9rib tfout el MTV, styli nekhdem bih too ki enmout egudemni fih 
9odemi sfyh sere9 w kadheb w 9by7, nab9a dima nrapi mli7 w el zabeb nti7 tab9a fou9 el beat tsy7 kima el cheb Salih
A.L.A jeb s7y7 , katéb sari7 w mouch sneak dissing niggas feel pain weli 7kitou el kol beyen mouch lezem naatyk l'essm
Z.H blech 93ad w nik el competition 7afdhou musictna w 9alou wled houmetna legends
khirli men najm, naaref eli enajem, dhrabtou entouma b rap y7achem manfoukhin bel bass fake ki termet Kardashian
manech fard 7ajm fan rodbelek t9aren, Rapi khir mel top 10 w jibi fel **
khdhitou men Tupac ken fi lebsset el m7arem
kamcha 3dham 7arem khesrou lin walew yetmoustou
keli rami koura keli yarmi fi kamousstou 
nsama3kom w nfarajkom w nkharajkom fi bousstou


Matlabt ray 7ata kharray fama haja nchawer rohy just me, myself and I
everyday I hear the same voice on my mind : A.L.A khalik metneyek sayeb alik mel fake w ahki fi mawdhou3 mou3ayen
o9ssod rabi w bebek zayyen matou7elch m3a el sorre9 w don't lose time
Yo believe me i'am trying i'am sick of bitchs talking i'am sick of niggas lying 
weli yrapi kifi nsebou khater menich ki Tech N9ne menich peace w mankhalich el fuck-boys multipline
mankhalich el ness tet7ayel khater ken sket ykathrou ta7ana eli ykafrou, ness eli m3ana w zaffrou 
ness li darou 3lina w 3amlou barcha drama w 7afrou, el kol bech temchi mafroum, n7otkom fi rassi lila nsebkom tendathrou
blech flouss w 7ala 7lila w khedma kima el Death Row mat9olich cha3maltou touness sa7ra w jina nkhadhrou 
3anna ness yentadhrou every fucking minute mouch enik fel noum w mehouch meni ki t3allet, mezelt
3andi barcha trap shit ltawa ma kamalt ma3andich el rap met* i hope you fhemt 

9ad manab9a 7ay twa9a3 meni kol chay only sky is my limit, w dima be3ethkom tnaykou, ah yeah, w dima be3ethkom tnaykou


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